Camping is a great opportunity to get close to nature and enjoy a relaxing time away from our busy lives in the city. Summer is the perfect time to go camping, the sun is bright, the weather is nice, the views are amazing and wildlife goes out from their hiding. Now, the last aspect might not be as exciting as the others, especially because wildlife represents all kinds of animals, from the beautiful birds singing in the morning to the annoying ants trying to eat your food. Certainly, dealing with insects is something that you need to learn before you go camping, otherwise, it'd be a nightmare. Luckily for you, today I'll give you 5 tips you can use to not let the bugs bug you.
Although bug repellents can't usually kill insects completely, they will keep them away from you as the toxins they release will guide the insects towards another, easier, prey that isn't you. There are many bug repellent options in stores, some of them made specifically to kill a specific type of bug. Make sure to do your research about your camping spot to see what you can expect from that area and come better prepared. Also, always follow strictly the instructions from the manufacturer.
This tip is crucial, it doesn't matter how much bug repellent you spray around you, bug will stay come. A golden rule about camping is to always have your skin covered, if you can avoid exposing your skin, then do it. By having your skin covered with clothes, you're making it more difficult for bugs to bite you. Light long sleeves and long pants are recommended.
Take a look at your surroundings, are there any beehives? ant mounds? spider webs? look for indicators of insect life near you and stay away from that location. That's the best way of avoiding bugs as much as you can, by making sure they're not near you already. Always be aware of your surroundings.
Sadly, it doesn't matter how much you try, there are some insects that might be able to crawl inside your tent. However, that doesn't mean that you should give and let every single bug get inside your tent. There are some measures you can take to make your tent secure enough so that is difficult for bugs to infiltrate into your tent. For example, don't leave food inside the tent, turn off the lights once you don't need them, zip up the tent as soon as you step in and out, and so on. No bug shall pass these walls.
Food is probably the number one thing that attracts bugs and other animals. While it can be a little uncomfortable to have hundreds of containers, it's necessary to carry your food in sealed containers so bugs can't reach it. For this, you have to organize and have everything prepared before you are actually in the camping spot. You can really get creative and categorize the food in bigger or smaller containers, it depends on how much stuff you want to pack for your trip.