Once summer comes around, it means it's time for camping. There are many reasons why people love to go camping during summer, cooking with friends and family, the lovely and warm weather, swimming in lakes and the relaxing atmosphere are just some of them. Summer is just around the corner, so, this is the perfect time to start planning your camping trip. Whether you're going with your loved ones or by yourself, here are some important tips you have to try this summer.
The first tip you need to try is to find the perfect camping spot to set your tent, in case you're using one. You want the trees to absorb the majority of the sun rays, definitely not your tent, otherwise, you'll be as good as toasted bread. Being in the shade will help fight the hotness of summer and stay cool during your trip. In the hours where the sun is the warmest, you need to protect both your gear and yourself so you don't get overwhelmed by the temperature.
Now that we're talking about the high temperatures in summer, sometimes it's just impossible to fight the hot weather. For this, you need to rely on technology. Bringing a portable fan can be a life-changer, the only thing you need to do is to turn it on and immediately feel the breeze on your face. However, technology can let us down too, your portable fan might need batteries, so it's important to carry as many as you think you'll need. There is a huge variety of portable fans, they come in different shapes and sizes. According to how much stuff you're packing, select the portable fan to your convenience.
The tent can get too hot in some cases, or you might not simply want to get inside a tent when you can breathe the clean air outside. Bringing a hammock can offer a solution to those problems. All you need to do is find two stable trees and set the hammock. Sleeping in a hammock is one of the most peaceful things you can do, you'll feel the air following its path, hear the animals and enjoy mother nature to the fullest.
The sun is highly appreciated
during summer, but it'll also be your nemesis. Sun rays can deeply damage your
skin, it's dangerous to stay under the sun for too much time, especially
without wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen will provide a protective barrier against
UV rays that protects your skin from damage. As important as applying sunscreen
is, it's necessary to re-apply it from time to time.
As you probably could've noticed, wearing dark clothing under the sun can literally make you feel as if you're inside an oven. The truth is that dark clothes can attract sun rays more easily, it's basically not a good idea to wear those colors when you know the weather is going to be sunny. Instead, it's recommended to wear light-colored clothes that will help you stay cool.