Whether you're staying at a campsite for a few days or a few weeks, making it homey will improve your camping experience. The cleaner and more organized your camping space is, the more comfortable you'll be. It doesn't take a lot to make the outdoors feel a little bit like home - it just takes a few changes and adjustments for the better!
Try these 5 easy ways to make your campsite feel homier:
Add foam floor tiles to your tent floor
Do you know those soft puzzle mats that are usually used for toddlers' rooms? Those would be perfect for your tent floor! Not only will they add an extra cushion for when you're sleeping close to the ground, but you'll also feel more comfortable moving/walking around in your tent, just like in your bedroom at home.
To further add a homey touch, make sure to implement a no-shoes policy for inside your tent. Add a rug just outside to ensure that your sleeping space is clean, therefore more comfortable!
Set up a hammock
Many new campers still don't find it comfortable sleeping in a tent, on the ground. One thing you can try is to set up a hammock and use it even just for afternoon naps. This way, you'll also be able to maximize the campsite and enjoy the outdoors more.
Add your personal touch
If you're not backpacking, space and weight shouldn't be an issue. If you have space in your car, don't stop yourself from bringing little pieces of home to the campsite to make it more cozy and homey for you.
Bring your home pillows, a chair you can lounge in or even some accent lighting like solar-powered fairy lights to hang in your tent. Instant cozy feeling!
Plan hearty meals
When you're camping, the goal is to have quick and easy meals that don't take too much time cooking. But if you have some downtime in your itinerary, why not plan for something a little more "luxurious" for dinner? It doesn't have to be every meal, but a filling, hearty dinner would make the outdoors feel homier right away!
Keep your things organized
Just like at home, you want to have a clean, organized and clutter-free space to make you feel more comfortable. So invest in hanging organizers and bins to keep everything in place!
Follow these easy ways to make your campsite feel homier!
Daniel J. Smith is a survival expert. Having lived the outdoor life since he was very young, he loves sharing his expertise about camping , hiking, traveling, RV living and many more. He has also started his own company called OutBright , which will soon be selling products that cater to campers, hikers, travelers, and all outdoor-loving adventurers.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daniel_J._Smith/2570911